Patrick’s Story

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Patrick’s Story

My name is Patrick, I’m 16 years old and I have chronic kidney disease. I’ve known about the disease all my life; my parents knew about it a few months before my birth. I had been on dialysis since July 2021, in preparation for a kidney transplant sometime in the future.

On the 7th May 2022, my parents received a call from one of the paediatric renal consultants, telling them that they had a kidney, and that they were happy with it. I was in England at the time, at school, so a teacher had to drive me with my stuff to Gretna Green services, halfway to Glasgow, to meet my parents there. Throughout the morning, on realising what was in store for me, I was really excited and nervous, after what felt so long waiting for that call to come.

Below is a photo of me, the teacher who drove me, and my Dad, enjoying a KFC at Gretna services!

Arriving at hospital

When we arrived at the hospital, me and my parents were confused as to where they would stay during my time in hospital. On my first night there, my Mum stayed with me on the ward and my Dad went to a hotel. The following day, however, one of the nurses suggested that it might be better for them both to stay instead at Ronald McDonald House, which we hadn’t heard of before.


The House

Obviously because I didn’t myself stay at the House; I can’t describe my first-hand experience. But I must say how incredibly helpful it was for my parents to be so close to the hospital during my stay there. They really appreciated how kind and helpful everyone was at the House.


After a rather turbulent time post-operation, spending 10 days in intensive care and not feeling my best (see photo), my new kidney slowly started to work, and I felt better and better. I’ve now been at home for two months, and I only have two visit the hospital every fortnight. Most importantly, I’m feeling much better.




You can make a difference to families with children in hospital just like Patrick’s

Ronald McDonald House Glasgow is an independent charity. As we are a self-funded House, it is our wonderful supporters who do ensure our doors can remain open to support families like Patrick’s. It costs £75 per day to fully cover the cost for a family to stay at the House. If you would consider making a donation to support the families that the House supports, you can do so here .

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