Ronald McDonald House Glasgow
Sharing your story
Our families are the heartbeat of the House and so, having a bank of stories of first hand experience from families staying/stayed at RMHG whilst their child was seriously ill in Hospital and the difference it made to them and their family is our most important tool, especially when seeking support from people who know little or nothing about the House.
You can find some of our stories here and we’d love to add your story to this. If you’d like to share your own story, we have included some pointers for you below to consider when writing it up but remember, this is YOUR story. Although families stay here for similar reasons, every stay is unique to them so, write however feels natural and comfortable to you and your family.
- Before – What brought you to Ronald McDonald House Glasgow – was it a planned procedure, and accident, an illness or something else?
- During – What is/was your experience of the House? How did you feel when you heard about the House? Had you previously heard of us? How long is/was your stay?
- Finally – Finish up with a wee update of how you are all doing now. Reflect on how long you have been/were at the House and what it means/meant to your family. Was there anyone or anything that stood out during your time here
Photographs: We LOVE photographs! And we find that 3 to 4 photographs work well to illustrate your journey. Choose only those that you are happy to be seen by the public.
Take your time: Recounting your experience can be a trigger for some, and therapeutic for others but again, this is your experience. If you need to stop and take a break then feel free, if you want to give us a call and chat about it then we’d love to hear from you and also, if you decide it’s too difficult and would rather not share your story then that is not an issue at all, and we completely understand.
Please fill out our form below or, email your story to and we’ll confirm receipt. We may have to make small edits for layout purposes, but we will NEVER change your story or wording and will get full sign off from you before we post.
On behalf of everyone here at the House, thank you for choosing to support the Charity in this way.
Details of person giving consent: