Baby Boy
Carter was born in the Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy on 31st of January 2019 weighing 6lbs 9oz. A few hours before him and his Mum, Sheree were due to head home, doctors noticed Carter’s oxygen levels were unstable and he was immediately taken to the Special Care Baby Unit. He was given multiple X-rays on his lungs and heart along with different antibiotics. However, doctors were unable to identify what was making Carter so unwell.
Carter’s treatment in the Victoria Hospital went on for 13 days and Sheree recalls ‘at 4am I was called to say Carter was critical and to make my way to the hospital. When I got there Carter was surrounded by nurses and doctors. This was extremely terrifying. The nurse in charge sat myself & my Mum down and told us that it could be his heart’. Carter was then prepared to be transferred to the Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow. Sheree & her Mum went with him as the ambulance had a police escort to the Hospital.
‘I remember the ride over was terrifying and words I’d never forget is the paramedic telling me if we needed to pull over they’d do everything they can to help him – that thought will never leave me’.
In the Hospital, cardiologists diagnosed Carter with a heart defect and he was prepared for emergency open heart surgery. His condition was critical and Sheree was advised that he most likely would not make it through the night. Luckily he made it. However he still needed a blood transfusion and heart bypass – when Sheree saw him next she said ‘He was covered in tubes, drains. Numerous machines beeping, and his whole body was so swollen it’s a picture in my head that I will never forget’
The House
Sheree goes on to say ‘We were told about Ronald McDonald House Glasgow by the cardiac liaison team and how they help families in a time of need. My Mum and I were given a room to stay in while Carter recovered in hospital. Ronald McDonald gave us a home, it was somewhere to rest, eat and have a bit normality. Knowing Carter was within walking distance and a phone in our room connected to his ward was so comforting. The House staff really were amazing and welcoming. It’s like a big family really. Lots of parents were going through similar with their sick child, knowing you weren’t alone. If it not had been for this charity I really don’t know what we would have done. It’s unbearable to imagine’.
Doing Well
Carter spent 12 days in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit and finally came home in March 2019. He is now 2, and doing very well. He has even started nursery and is loving his time there.
‘We are so grateful for everything Ronald McDonald did for us. We will never forget it! We will always try our best to help with fundraisers. We have enjoyed 2 lovely walks and a bake sale and hope to do more in the future. We love it! We love knowing we are helping families just like us when we needed it’.
You can make a difference to families with children in hospital just like Carter’s
Ronald McDonald House Glasgow is an independent charity. As we are a self-funded House, it is our wonderful supporters who do ensure our doors can remain open to support families like Carter’s. It costs £75 per day to fully cover the cost for a family to stay at the House. If you would consider making a donation to support the families that the House supports, you can do so here .
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