Our Board

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Our Board of Trustees govern the organisation and make sure it achieves its aims, is well run, well managed and is successful.

The Trustees are a body of volunteers who bring a wide range of knowledge, experience and expertise to the table including accounting, banking, medical and business professionals.

They meet every quarter for Board Meetings and are actively involved in various sub committees

Board Members

Neil Morrison Chair

Lesley Millar Vice Chair

Atif Ali

Adam Buchanan-Smith

Brian Gallacher

Gillian Kirkness

Kevin King

Mike McCudden

Dr John Pitts Medical Advisor

Marc Shenken

Paul Wilson

On a day to day basis, the House is run by a small team of staff helped by many dedicated volunteers.

Ronald McDonald House Glasgow is an independent registered Scottish Charity (SC023199) and you can find our most recent Annual Accounts listed on the Companies House website or download them here.

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